Fried Eggplants Recipe
1 Aubergine purple medium
2 Beaten egg
Wheat flour to pantry
Olive oil for frying
- Let’s note that the thicker they are, the longer they will cook.
- Cut the aubergines into slices about five millimeters thick.
- Once cut, place them on a tray, salt and let sweat so that they lose the excess bitterness for about five minutes.
- While we can get the rest of the mise en place going.
- For this we beat the eggs and pass through a colander to remove the lumps of the white, while we have a bowl with flour and another with the beaten egg for the batter.
- Dry the excess moisture of the aubergines with a paper towel, heat plenty of olive oil in a pan to 170 o C and we are breading the slices.
- First we pass them through flour, then egg and directly send them to the pan when they are hot oil, trying to make them as drained as possible.
- About two minutes will be enough for each side of the eggplant, although we can also be guided by the golden appearance
- Also, it is advisable not to cook too many slices at once so that the oil does not lose temperature and the eggplant does not stick.
- We take the slices of eggplant already fried to a paper towel or a rack so that drain the excess fat and serve hot.